Monday, November 17, 2008

Screwing around

Like the title says. I was driving home from work about a week ago, and on the bridge that connects Mendota Heights to fort Snelling, the sky opened up, and this sort of pure light filtered through the upper cloud bank, casting an almost pearl-yellow onto the tops of these deep, cold blue winter clouds that stretched across the horizon. I've never seen yellow and blue work together like that, never seen them both look so cold. I swore I'd paint it as soon as i got home, i ended up falling asleep instead, and I curse that.

I used to paint clouds a lot, or tried to anyway. It one more thing I need to get back to on a regular basis.

Below Is play. It looks nothing like that morning, and is honestly kind of silly looking, but the image is gone now, only that feeling remains.

Next time.

Side note, I've started the new job. same cash, closer and easier, all of which give me better time/energy to put towards art stuffs. fingers crossed.

Also just finished reading this:
Some artists break your heart with paint, some with words. this is a case of the latter.


1 comment:

Dave said...

Hey, awesome artwork, Jeremiah.

How've you been?