Saturday, November 8, 2008


Yikes indeed, three months since my last post!

screen printing has slowed down due to cold weather, lack of time, etc. Sam and I are working on some t-shirt design we hope to print soon, so don't mark that as dead just yet.

as for other projects... a brief story.

at the beginning of October, I lost my job. In the scramble to find more work (especially before my student loans kicked in) I put off EVERYTHING. I didn't print, or draw, or consider my next step. In short, I was lame. eventually, in between the frantic search, I started drawing again, but this time, actually enjoying it. just art for the sheer kick of it.
Last week I finally got another job, and thank goodness! The problem, I've found, is that between the long hours and the physical exhaustion (it's a manual labor type job) by the time I get home, I'm just dead.

Where am I going with this? Simply this: all that time spent jobless made me think a lot about what I've done with my life and where it's going. Now the job I've got just confirms my suppositions I've come up with.
a) art is all I am. I have no real-world skills other than that (the job search made this VERY clear)
b) not working on art is what depresses me. not lack of skill, or lack of job, but the simple lack of joy from creating something.
c) Waiting for that "perfect situation" in which to both make art, and build that art career is an exercise in foolishness. there will never be such a place or time, so to wait for or even try to create this is just plain stupid.
d) finally, if I am doing anything other than working on my art, working on building that career and finding those art jobs and making them work for me, is a waste of time so tragic it LITERALLY makes me feel guilty.

So. My new job does suck, It leaves me no time, no energy for myself, and with student loans to pay and bills to pay and a new car to try and finance (my old one just died yesterday) there is no space for art.

But I don't care.

Have some sketches. more to follow.

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