Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Clever Title

Turkey day swiftly approacheth, now lets see if my ailing car will make the trip. It gets fixed if it does, if not, well... the wheels fall off. just kidding, only the front left fly off if i'm unlucky (the U-joint is busted) so well see, should be fun.

Mostly posting now, cause' I'm trying to make sure I do at least -something- (as in art stuffs) every day. right now I've discovered how cool Buckethead sounds.

Note that this isn't really my art. I was playing with OpenCanvas, SO I was just drawing from a photograph. not tracing, just staring at the thing, but still, makes it feel like more of a technical exercise than "art" but whatever, it's just practice/play.

Not sure how I feel about OCyet. It's nice, but I kinda like the way photoshop behaves a little better. I'll give a some more time though, It is a pretty sweet program.

more to come.