Sunday, July 20, 2008

an anti-climactic return

Well here we are.

I figured it was about time I began picking things back up. I've been off-line, out of touch and more or less resting on my butt for long enough at this point, so before people start giving me up for dead I should pick up where I left off.

I am graduated! I win at collage! Mcad is done.

The comic was -almost- finished, but that i can pick up later (or sooner as the case may be. I've been spending the summer finding work and planning what the hell to do next, but most I've kind of just been chilling out. I mean, i've been doing things, but i haven't been drawing almost at all. I just don't have the heart to pick up a pen at this point, I'm half enjoying the down time half terrified.

well, until yesterday, I started sketching and enjoying it. So I'll have some of that soon.

in the meantime, the above image I did the last semester at Mcad, a self portrait (which i still have to re-collect), and the below image is something i did for fun for the webcomic i'm planning. Yes, yes, i should have started the bloody thing by now, but that's how things are, deal with it. I'm drawing stuff now so eat it.

Aside from all of this, myself and my friend Sam from my AI days are putting together a screen printing studio ( read "studio" as "porch" for now...) and have alread started drumming up business. we have just to try a big print run before we actually take anything (at least 100+) we have to make damn sure we don't promise something we can't deliver.

So the future is looking ok, this is assuming that when my $100,000-plus in student loans hit I can take it.


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