Sunday, January 20, 2008


Done! Finished the inks of that image i uploaded a few days ago. I haven't drawn over the break (like usual) so it's taking some time to get back into the swing of things. Irritating, but that's how it usually works for me, so I'm totally used to it by now.

Nothing much else going on at the moment, I've got a screen printing class on Wednesdays now, so i'll eventually have some of that work to throw up here... if you can excuse that tragic choice of metaphors, as well as a senior project class on Fridays, so i'll be posting my sketchbook work for that, once i figure out what it is i want to do for the next few months. It's a little intimidating; i'm totally ready to be done with school, and there are a few projects I'd love to do, but it scares me a little. i mean, I've had work up on th e wall before but this is it, the final of finals, the sum total of all my time in art school. Exactly the sort of situation where I'm totally going to be judge by the quality of my work, and thats more than a little terrifying.


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