Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Actuall sketching-s?

right, so my long abused and rarely used sketchbook is actually finally seeing some action. so now ya'll get to see what my sketches, and not just the polished work, actually looks like.

no, that feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach IS ACTUAL DREAD and not just gas, like you were hoping.

this is what the sketch in my sketchbook actually looks like. mostly scribbles and studies and half-ideas that later get turned into semi-decent work. i'm always super-envious of the sort of artist who's sketchbook sketches actually look like they could be something, and not just a collection of random lines all milling about each other like they all showed up on the same page, and are now not sure what to do about it.

the first two pages up there are an idea i had for a character i'm going to stick in my 1000 acre wasteland story (story based around that raccoon chick further down the page) my girlfriend Christine always makes the joke that "if it exists i can break it". she thinks she's accident prone, and i'm starting to believe her, but anyway, i thought it might be a cool idea, in a story about these fighters who can re-arrange object on the molecular level, what if one of those fighters just decided, instead of making new objects and weapons to fight with, what if i just destroy all of yours?

So i tired to sort of anthropomorphise Christines' features into that of a lizard, a uromastyx actually, based on her pet lizard tenna.

which is actually sort of... creepy actually, but note; that in this case i'm only fishing for clever character ideas, not actually imagining my girlfriend as a lizard, which is, unfortunately, the sort of thing you find from time to time on the furry fandom. craziness.

Oh yes and this:

doodles during gaming (super-nerd, draws furries and plays rpgs, feel free to run screaming any time now...) this one actually looks semi-decent, but noses are still such a pain in the butt. the face has to be one of the most difficult to draw parts of the body. get it even slightly wrong and your character looks disfigured, and even if you get it right, you still have to use it to portray mood, expression, race, gender, etc... I need more practice, but that goes without saying.


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