Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ran out of steam

Still organizing my files...

This wouldn't have seen the light of day, at least not for awhile, if not for this blog; I started this as a class project, and got some good ideas and a decent script banged out before the whole thing ate itself the last month of the semester.

It was supposed to be a really straightforward class, with only one exception: the whole thing was online.

Why should this be a problem you might ask? a very good question, and thank you for asking, otherwise the answer i'm about to give wouldn't fit. See, the problem with online classwork, or really anything online, is that there's no face-to-face accountability. even though i still fail just as hard if i don't do the work, it still doesn't feel like it, and so when the the big crunch falls, the work that seems less immediate gets put aside in favor of the thing that has to be done NOW.

Meh. I'm a child of the digital age but i still have troubles fitting into it. Anyway, the project was supposed to be this cool alternate-world steampunk fantasy. Ya' know, swords versus gun, tradition versus industrialization, etc. It would have been a fun project, or that is to say it will, when i take another stab at it in the future. So here's the cover sketch 9 the finished cover seems to be strangely absent, i'll post it in the future) and the nearly-complete first page.

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